Clinically proven to
- Provide anti-aging benefits such as reducing wrinkles & sagging, tighten skin
- Improve skin pigment such as age spots or melasma
- Enhance immunity
- Increase hair growth-stimulates stem cells in follicles
- Reduce arthritis in small joints such as fingers
- Increase collagen production in skin
- Increase production of melatonin in body 😴
- Stimulate lymphatic system
- Improve the action of the mitochondria within cells, which fights inflammation and promotes the growth and repair of cells and tissues that can reduce recovery time from injury

LED light therapy with an AcuLift™ AcuLuma lamp helps treat a variety of skin concerns and conditions, including:
- Eczema
- Mild to moderate Acne
- Psoriasis
- Actinic dertosis (Rough, scaly, precancerous spots on the skin)
- Rosacea
- Wounds
- Wrinkles
- Sun Damage

Light from an AcuLift™ AcuLuma LED Therapy Lamp interacts with cells and stimulates them to produce new collagen and elastin.
Red light therapy stimulates:
- collagen synthesis,
- fibroblast formation,
- anti-inflammatory action,
- stimulation of energy,
- production of mitochondria and stimulates DNA repair
Currently available for U.S. customers. Visit the Wholesale Portal to order.