According to research performed on micro needle rollers, skin needling at the dermal layer promotes the natural reproduction of collagen and elastin (the building blocks of skin), making the skin feel smoother and tighter.

This same research shows that skin needling stimulates the body’s natural wound-healing reaction to produce natural collagen. In one study, biopsies taken from 10 different patients demonstrated an average increase in collagen and elastin fibers of 206 percent.
Making sure that you use your derma roller the right way is paramount to success. Follow these easy instructions to ensure you’re using your derma roller effectively.
- Make certain face is clean and dry.
- Use roller gently at first until you know what your skin can tolerate.
- Follow instructions on box for proper direction to roll the AcuLift™ roller.
- Do not use on lips, eyelids, nipples, genitals, or inside the body.
- Use every 2-3 days until your skin becomes accustomed to the roller.
- Spray after each use with AcuLift™ Sanitizing spray.
- Never share with other people, do not use on children or pets.
- Do not use on sunburn, open cuts, active herpes, pustule acne lesions or any other acute infection or inflammation of the skin, have a history of poor wound healing, collagen diseases, blood problems, are pregnant or lactating, are prone to keloid scarring or have diabetes or sore areas.
- Aspirin, Ibuprofen, vitamin E and blood thinning drugs all cause increased bruising and should not be taken in the two weeks leading up to treatment.
- Store in the clear case when not in use.