Microneedle Derma Rollers: At Home Treatment for Wrinkles, Stretch Marks, and Acne Scars

By Michelle Gellis, AP DiplAc, Founder of Aculift Skincare

QUESTION: What do wrinkles, depressed scars, and stretch marks have in common?

ANSWER: A lack of collagen!

If your body would produce more collagen then you wouldn’t have them. As an acupuncturist who specializes in Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation, I use skin needling as part of my facial rejuvenation protocol. Skin needling with an Aculift micro needle derma roller promotes the natural reproduction of collagen and elastin, making the skin feel smoother and tighter.

At Home Skin Treatment

I am always looking for ways in which my patients can tend to their skin at home, between my treatments. While doing research on collagen formation and natural methods to improve skin thickness, I discovered a device similar to a drum roller that is commonly used by acupuncturists to treat pain. This micro needle device has 540 extremely fine needles, much like tiny acupuncture needles. These needles penetrate the skin just enough to stimulate collagen and elastin production, without injury to the skin. Knowing how effective my acupuncture needling treatments are for stimulating collagen, I knew that this type of device would complement my treatments perfectly. Typically, my patients come to see me once a week until they achieve desired results and then spread their treatments out to once a month for maintenance. This roller would enable them to accelerate their results and to also work on areas, not limited to the face.

Most commercially available micro needle rollers only contain 170 needles. The Aculift™  micro needle rollers I offer have 540 needles, which creates more channels on the face, and finer lines can be addressed, such as lines around lips and crows feet.

The Aculift™ Micro needle Derma Roller is ideal for diminishing the signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, reducing acne scars, large pores, and smoothing out stretch marks.  Clinical studies have shown that micro needle derma rolling can be just as effective as ablative treatments such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peels or non-ablative treatments such as IPL™, Fraxel™, or CO2 laser in stimulating elastin and collagen production.1,2,3

How does the Aculift™ derma roller work?

Skin Needling promotes the natural reproduction of collagen and elastin, making the skin feel smoother and tighter. This process thickens the skin, erasing wrinkles and smoothing scars of all types.  Skin Needling stimulates the body’s natural wound-healing reaction to produce natural collagen. In one study, biopsies taken from 10 different patients demonstrated an average increase in collagen and elastin fibers of 206 percent. In one case, a 1000 percent increase was recorded.

Another advantage to micro-needle rollers is the increased absorption rate of topically applied products.  The Aculift™ roller creates micro-channels which aid in infusing therapeutic serums for better penetrating the skin and increasing overall efficacy. South Korea, Europe, and U.S. clinically-conducted studies have shown that the Roller can increase serum absorption by as much as 300 times.1,2,3

In addition to stimulating collagen and elastin, it gently exfoliates excess skin cells which contribute to malnutrition of hair follicles and premature aging. The roller stimulates also stimulates blood flow to the surface which can eliminate stretch marks, cellulite, and scars.

Does it hurt?

Not at all; The AcuLift Derma Roller™ causes no pain and is quick and easy to use.

What about downtime?

The AcuLift™ Roller is significantly more “skin friendly,” than similar invasive and expensive skin treatments. The roller leaves the epidermal barrier fully intact, and the micro-channels created by high-quality fine needles fully close within just a few hours after initial application. New collagen structures are formed within the skin’s lower layers, without the downtime or the commonly encountered risks and negative side effects in dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and laser resurfacing. The roller will leave your skin thicker and younger looking.

How can I get one?

Easy! Select a face or body roller from our Products menu. Your roller will be on its way to you in no time!

  1. Micro Needling and Injecting Platelet Rich Plasma to Enhance Collagen Synthesis and Skin Tightening; Joseph F. Greco, PhD, PA/C (2006)
  2. Clinical Study: MTS (Microneedle Therapy System), 5-Month Study; Dr KB Joon, Department of Dermatology, Dongguk University, S. Korea (2006)
  3. Collagen Induction Therapy Comparison (IPL vs Micro-Needling); Drs HS Moon, SE Kim, DS Ko, AY Lee, Dep. of Dermatology, Eulji University School of Medicine and Dongguk University, S. Korea (2006)
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MARCH PROMOTIONS—RETAIL: 20% OFF Hydra Rollers/Hydra Needles + Small Superb Serum Combo with code HYDRA20; WHOLESALE: 20% OFF Micropen Systems & Micropen (Pen ONLY).
Spring Cleaning season is officially upon us. All orders placed after 3:00pm (EST) on Thursday, May 30th will not ship until Tuesday, June 11th. Thank you for your understanding.